Sunday, December 16, 2007

New Performance Video Uploaded

I performed Transfigurations--Transgressing Gender in the Bible at SMYRC, the Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center in Portland, OR. In my opening remarks I also performed my identity monologue, which I already have up on YouTube, but it feels so different in front of a live audience.

After the play, I also did and excerpt from Queer 101--Now I Know My gAy,B,Cs. Yes, it is the scene between Chad and Federico Garcia Lorca. Folks have been clamoring for it for over a year, so for your view and sharing pleasure, below you will see that famous scene.

Much thanks to Mark Middleton for taping and editing and uploading the video and then treating me to Pix Patisserie!!!

Identity Monologue

Excerpt from Queer 101

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At 3:23 PM , Blogger j_in_palestine said...

Hey Peterson. My name is Joy and I saw you at Smyrc. I understand that my friend Oliver Danni Green told you just how much I loved your show. I just wanted to electronically introduce myself and announce to all the internet just how wonderful Transfigurations is. Watching your show was wonderfully affirming and made me incredibly happy.

(By the way, I should admit that I am a Quaker and know way too many people who know you - most importantly Noel C., who was my youth pastor in middle school and high school. It's a small Quaker world.)


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